Cuello / Cowl

Hola hola!!!

Seguro que os acordais de que a principio del mes termine de hilar una madeja que llame,"Where is Superman?". Estube pensando que hacer con ella, la verdad es que no tarde mucho en encontrar lo que iba a tejer con ella!. Ahora tengo, orgullosamente, entre mis ropas de invierno un maravilloso cuello. Es muy probable que no sea el cuello mas bonito del mundo, pero para mi es como un regalo para mi hecho para mi misma!! Ya me direis que opinais!!

Hello hello!

I am sure you remember that at the beginning of this month I finish to spin a yarn with the name: Where is Superman?. I was thinking what to do with it, actually find a pattern didn't took me really long. Now I am the happy owner of a lovely cowl for the winter. May be is not the more prettiest cowl of the world, but for me is like a big present make for myself!! what do you think?

El patron es / the pattern is: A noble cowl by Emily Kausalik


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